Biegger Estates

We are currently serving the Simmons Manor and Hampton Court Communities by opening our Community Center doors. The Community Center is a welcoming space for our residents to utilize our onsite resources such as the computer lab, printer and a safe space to request assistance.

On our sites, the residents could request assistance with the following: Employment search, Welfare assistance, Referrals, Transportation assistance and more. Our SSCs establish a relationship with the residents to create a comfortable environment for open conversations and ease to request services needed. ​​

On each site you may also find a community library for the youth. Our books have been donated by our wonderful partners at the Gibson Library. The books range from Elementary to High School and are completely free. Our goal is to have each child in our community own a book of their own


The Family Self-Sufficiency Program located at Biegger Estates in Las Vegas offers a multitude of services to low income residents and their families.  The primary goal is to foster independent living, we do this by providing employment and educational guidance and support.

The best campus facilities

Our on-site computer lab has the internet and a printer so individuals can access job search websites, work on resumes, and apply for available jobs. We also have a full time Supportive Services Coordinator on Staff who hosts informative workshops such as Build a Resume, Money Matter$, Credit Report Know How, Adult Education Know How, and more. The Coordinator helps with obtaining public assistance such as SNAP, Medicaid, and Energy Assistance Programs, advocacy when needed, and referrals to our nonprofit community such as Dress for Success and Baby’s Bounty. Proventus Place partners with Three Square and coordinates monthly food distributions every other quarter.  We also partner with the AARP Foundation SCSEP whose support staff offers weekly Story Time for children and on-site tutoring in English and math to adults and children.


Proventus Place supports providing public transportation assistance for job interviews, employment and school. A weekly trip to Walmart is available to our residents and is sponsored by the Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority. Also provided are hygiene kits, so residents can feel and look their best for an interview, work or school.

Proventus Place promotes a sense of community by hosting monthly Birthday Celebrations and supporting Biegger Buddies a resident driven support group to encourage familiarity and comradery.

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